Dr. Richard Frost
Computer Science
University of Windsor

February, 2004

Install SpeechWeb Browser

Download SpeechWeb Browser swb_1.0.zip, or self-extracting file swb_1.0.exe, from the "Downloads" page. Unpack either one of them to any directory. the default directory is C:\SpeechWeb.

If your IBM Voice Server SDK is NOT installed in the default directory: C:\Program Files\VoiceServerSDK, you have to modify the file run.bat.}

1. Open run.bat by using a text editor.

2. Change the content of the batch file "c:\progra~1\voices~1\bin\vsaudio_en_US.bat start.vxml" to "<windrive>:\<your SDK directory>\bin\vsaudio_en_US.bat start.vxml"


Execute run.bat to start the SpeechWeb Browser.

SpeechWeb Browser uses Java objects. Depends on the speech of your PC, it maybe slow when it first starts.